Saturday 18 December 2010

Invisible Movie

Definition: Shot, but not shown, distributed through secret copies on DVDs and internet.

Film of Alejandro Jodorowsky called "the Holy Mountain" was released in 1973.

Preconceptions can ruin the whole effect of a movie, therefore, the producer tries to destroy the viewer's view, in order to build a new pure image.

At the beginning, we can see Jodorowsky's criticism against industrialism and politics through showing us manufacturers of clothes, masks, make-ups, then guns, bombs, drugs and cancer gases. Very sexual and erotic scenes of mass produced art, sexual machine. Then with the toy factory there is a demonstration of people's multi-facial being, when a clown turns into the director of the war toys factory. There is a clear message of condition children from birth through comic books and toys. Then in pursue of his critical political concepts, Jodorowsky shows us an idea of a shelter, which is used by politics instead of building houses for people. The shape of a shelter is absolutely hilarious and at the same time horrible. sleep in? What can be more symbolic for bad politics not caring about its people. The next topic has to with immortality as one of the biggest desires of people all over the world. Death scares people the most. And the producer wants to show what people are capable of doing to get to the enlightenment and immortality. Through burning money they come to a collective being.

What strikes me in this film especially is the cruelty and violence so naturally shown by Jodorowsky. But if not focusing on that side of the film, but on spiritual and philosophical, we can see that his logic is clear, and that a better future is possible if people come to enlightenment and spiritual growth. I think, this film is very influential for a film production as well, as it consists of a huge number of different small, but interesting as a separate unit scenes and topics, from which other producers and film makers can easily get an additional inspiration for their own works.

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